Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Exploring, Moving and Ear Infections

I will start this post with the least fun .... Ear infections. Hunter just finished his second round of antibiotics for his second ear infection. Although I am convinced that the first infection never actually cleared. He started off with a normal stuffy nose that turned into congestion and a miserable little guy. He never really tugged at his ear much, so I did not think it would be that. Well, I started to think otherwise when he was having major issues sleeping. Poor little guy seemed like he was in so much pain anytime he would lay down. This is the part of being a "mommy" I did not not enjoy ..... I could not take the pain away. I thought things were all okay once we saw the doctor and got some medicine. Then another cold and more sleepless nights .... sure enough another ear infection. Another visit to the doctor and another rounds of medicine. Hopefully, this one is finally gone.

Now let's talk about better things like ..... WALKING! Hunter is almost there. He can walk about 6-8 steps to Ryan and I, then he lunges forward which is usually followed by a laugh. He will turn around and go at it again. He can stand on his own, but he still is not to sure about taking off into an independent walk. But he is sooooooo close ....... He just needs a little more practice. Here he is just teasing me and being silly. One day he will not be just standing there......I will probably be chasing him around the house.

Hunter has been trying a few new things. We took him out to the Kemah boardwalk a few weeks ago. He seemed to love being out by the water. I think he especially liked the breeze in his hair. What do you think?

We enjoyed the day together. This was the first time we took Hunter out to do anything like this. As he is getting older it is getting easier to find fun things to do as a family.

Hunter has a new favorite hobby .... bike riding with dad and mom! Hunter has his very own seat on the back of his dad's bike. He really likes to cruise the neighborhood. He even gets a little fussy when we arrive back home.
Hunter still likes to ride his own bike. He even attempts to make repairs.....just like his daddy!

Hunter still continues to keep us smiling on a daily basis by making a silly face, talking up a storm or getting into something. He is starting to come into his very own personality. One of which is the exploring type. He is into most everything and seems to be more interested in things that are not toys. Here he is playing in a basket with a shoe .... this seemed to entertain him forever!

We attempted to take some fall pictures with Hunter and some pumpkins, but once he figured out that they roll .........

They were no longer pumpkins but "balls".

Ryan and I are looking forward to another Thanksgiving with our precious little Turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving Blog readers!!! Gobble Gobble!!!

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