Sunday, May 30, 2010

8 Months

Well, I obviously did not do a very good job of updating the blog any more often than here is my monthly post.

Hunter is now 8 months old! He is continuing to grow and change everyday. This photo shoot was a little more challenging than any others.

And now that Hunter is sitting up it gets a little more interesting!

By the time we were finished that 8 month sign was in pretty bad shape. He was so quick. By the time I would get him and the sign in place .... the sign would be in his mouth. I believe this will be the last one I will be able to do on my own. I may need some assistance next month. Hunter is a curious little guy!

Hunter has sprouted his first teeth! Yes - teeth .... he now has two bottom teeth. Hunter's teething symptoms included: a slight fever, runny nose and sleepless nights! All of these wonderful things lasted for about a week and a half. Thank goodness for teething tablets ... they worked like magic! Hunter does not always show his teeth, but here is a really cute pic of him hiding his teeth!

Hunter is also exploring the sippy cup. Right now he thinks it is a giant teether that gets him all wet. He will drink out of it if I hold it for him ... which totally defeats the purpose. I am sure in no time he will get the hang of it.

As I mentioned earlier, Hunter is sitting up!!! This milestone happened very quickly. One day he was very wobbly and needed lots of support .... then literally the next day he was sitting up with no support at all!!! He is so proud of himself. When he sits he has a look of accomplishment on his face.

Hunter took to the whole sitting thing really well! He now prefers to sit and play rather than roll around. Our little boy is growing up and becoming so independent!

One of Hunter's favorite things to do is go to the park. A few days a week in the evening his dad and I will load Hunter up in the stroller and walk to the park in our neighborhood. It is a short enough walk that Hunter is actually awake when we get there. The park has all new equipment. Right now Hunter prefers the swing.

Something Hunter is not very fond of right now is swimming. Ryan's nephew had a swimming party, so Hunter's Aunt and Uncle attempted to take him swimming. Poor guy cried .... it kind of reminded me of his baptism. I thought he would like it because he really enjoys his baths. I guess it may have been a little over whelming and a bit cold. In the mean time, we will just stick with a kiddie pool in our back yard. Here is a picture before his traumatizing swim :-)

I am so excited school is finally OUT!!! Now I get to spend all of my time with this cutie......

This month was my first Mother's Day! I feel so blessed to be a mother. It is truly an amazing adventure. Here I am with Hunter on this special day!

I am very lucky to have a wonderful example to follow ... Thank you Mom!

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