Friday, February 26, 2010

5 Months

Here is our happy little 5 month old! Hunter is weighing in at 17lbs and is getting more adorable everyday. As you can see by the picture he loves to laugh and smile. He is very ticklish, just like his momma. Even is you pretend like you are going to tickle him he will bust out in a giggle. One morning he woke up around 3 a.m. I went in to check on him. He looked at me and just smiled the biggest smile and started laughing ...yes even at 3 in the morning it was the cutest thing ever!
Hunter has also found his legs. He likes to lay on the floor and raise his feet in the air. He tries to kick whatever is hanging. Now that he is moving his legs and feet more and more it leads us to this......One sock on and one sock off!

Hunter is working on sitting up and rolling over. He can sit in his Bumbo pretty good, but he is not ready to sit on his own. Without the Bumbo he can sit up for just a little bit on his own then he will slowly start to lean forward. I am sure in no time at all he will be sitting on his own.

Yes he is sitting in a purple Bumbo. We are borrowing it for now. I figure once he masters the whole sitting up thing he really won't need the Bumbo much.
As far as rolling over goes, Hunter is pretty content with staying on his back or belly. He can get to his side from his back, but he has only done that a few times. So here he is on his belly working on holding his head up and moving it around. I keep tucking his hand under his chin, hoping to get a roll over from belly to back.

One BIG accomplishment Hunter has made is sleeping through the night. He usually get a good 5-6 hour stretch in, but so far we have had 3 total 8 hour nights! Two of those night have been in a row ..... and mommy feels SO refreshed! Hunter really does like his crib. He sleeps on a wedge which helps his reflux. Here he is hanging out in his crib watching his mobile.
Hunter has enjoyed watching the Olympics. I think it is all of the white snow that gets his attention. Here he is watching curling. I took the picture at the perfect time and got the Olympic logo too!
Hunter still looks a lot like his daddy and he is starting to act a lot like his daddy too. Here are a few pictures so you can see what I am talking about.

He is such a silly boy!

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